Cut my life into pieces
This is my last resort
No breathing
Dont give a fuck if I cut my arm bleeding
This is my last resort
Cut my life into pieces
Ive reached my last resort
No breathing
Dont give a fuck if I cut my arm bleeding
Do you even care if I die bleeding
Would it be wrong
Would it be right
If I took my life tonight
Chances are that I might
Mutilation outta sight
And Im contemplating suicide
Cuz Im losing my sight
Losing my mind
Wish somebody would tell me Im fine
Losing my sight
Losing my mind
Wish somebody would tell me Im fine
I never realized I was spread too thin
Till it was too late
And I was empty within
Feeding on chaos
And living in sin
Downward spiral where do I begin
It all started when I lost my mother
No love for myself
And no love for another
Searching to find a love up on a higher level
Finding nothing but questions and devils
Cuz Im losing my sight
Losing my mind
Wish somebody would tell me in fine
Losing my sight
Losing my mind
Wish somebody would tell me Im fine
Nothings alright
Nothing is fine
Im running and Im crying
Im crying
Im crying
Im crying
Im crying
I cant go on living this way
Cut my life into pieces
This is my last resort
No breathing
Dont give a fuck if I cut my arm bleeding
Would it be wrong
Would it be right
If I took my life tonight
Chances are that I might
Mutilation outta sight
And Im contemplating suicide
Cuz Im losing my sight
Losing my mind
Wish somebody would tell me Im fine
Losing my sight
Losing my mind
Wish somebody would tell me Im fine
Nothings alright
Nothing is fine
Im running and Im crying
I cant go on living this way
Cant go on
Living this way
Nothings alright
Laugh it all off in your face
What would you do?(Oh,Oh,Oh,Oh)
What if I fell to the floor
Couldn't take this anymore
What would you do, do, do?
Come, break me down
Bury me, bury me
I am finished with you
What if I wanted to fight
Beg for the rest of my life.
What would you do?(Do,do)
You say you wanted more
What are you waiting for
I'm not running from you (from you)
Come, break me down
Bury me, bury me
I am finished with you
Look in my eyes
You're killing me, killing me
All I wanted was you
I tried to be someone else
But nothing seemed to change
I know now: this is who I really am inside
I Finally found myself
Fighting for a chance
Oh oh
Oh oh
Oh oh
Come, break me down
Bury me, bury me
I am finished with you, you, you
Look in my eyes
You're killing me, killing me
All I wanted was you
Come, break me down
Break me down
Break me down
What if I wanted to break...? (You say you wanted more, what are you waiting for? (bury me) I'm not running from you...)
What if I, what if I, what if I... (bury me, bury me)
Portanto isto não tem estado lá muito bom para a escrita.
Hoje resolvi mudar isso: ofereci-me uma bela garrafa de Whisky de puro malte com 20 anos. E isso inspira-me?! Não, nem por isso mas, já se sabe com é o álcool: é bom para desinfectar feridas e, tudo o que arde, cura.
Caso alguém queira saber voltei. Ena…
Voltei para enfrentar as consequências dos meus erros mas, sinceramente, não me apetece. Deixem descansar, deixem-me viver, deixem-me morrer, se preciso for, mas deixem-me.
Tudo o que não quero é que não me chateiem e, acima de tudo, que não me julguem pois não reconheço tal direito a ninguém excepto, talvez, a mim próprio.
Mas se, eventualmente, eu me quisesse julgar necessitaria entender-me e, tal, está longe, muito longe, de ser verdade.
Portanto se nem eu tenho capacidade para tal que ninguém se atreva a fazê-lo, estamos entendidos?
30 Seconds To Mars - Attack
I won't suffer, be broken
Get tired, or wasted
Surrender to nothing
I'll give up what I
And stopped
From end to beginning
A new day is coming
And I am finally free
Run away, Run away
I’ll attack
Run away, Run away
Go change yourself
Run away, Run away
Now I’ll attack
I’ll attack, I’ll aa WHOAAAAAAAAAAAAA
I would’ve kept you forever
But we had to sever
It ended for both of us
Faster than a...
kill off this thinking
It’s starting to sink in
I’m losing control now
But without you I can finally say
Run away, Run away
I’ll attack
Run away, Run away
Go change yourself
Run away, Run away
Now I’ll attack
I’ll attack, I’ll a WHOAAAAAAAAAAAA
Your promises
They look like lies
Your honesty’s
Like a back that hides a knife
I promise you (promise you)
I promise you (promise you)
I am finally free
Run away, Run away
I’ll attack
Run away, Run away
Go Change yourself
Run away, Run away
Now I’ll attack
I’ll attack, I’ll attack
I will attack
Run away
I'll attack, I will attack
Run away
I'll attack, I will attack
Run away, run away
Now I'll attack,I'll attack
Your promises (promises, promises)
I promise you (promise you)
I promise you (promise you, promise you...)
Constantino, assim baptizado pelo seu pai em honra do Brandy, nunca teve uma vida fácil.
Consta que, logo no dia do seu nascimento, as coisas deram para o torto.
Nesse dia, e para não fugir à regra, seu pai chegara a casa, por volta das duas da manhã, nitidamente, embriagado.
Deita-se na cama onde a sua "Maria” já ressonava. Como o álcool não o deixava dormir, resolveu exigir da mulher, aquilo a que, segundo ele, o matrimónio lhe dava direito. Claro está que, a esposa, grávida de nove meses, queria era dormir e não levar com o marido, Etílico de nome e ébrio de estado. Assim, lá deu a desculpa que, sucessivamente, tinha aplicado durante os últimos nove meses: “Deixa-me lá que me dói a barriga. Já me basta o puto para dar cabo de mim.” O marido, embora contrariado, lá se virou para o lado. Poucos minutos depois, roncavam em uníssono.
Por volta das quatro da manhã, Dolores acorda o marido: “Etílico… Rebentaram-me as águas!”Etílico, mais a dormir que acordado, responde: “Não me chates. Há pouco, que eu queria brincadeira, tu, nada e, agora, estás a chatear-me os cornos para quê?”
- “Não estou a brincar!”
- “Olha: nem eu! Ou me deixas dormir ou vamos ter o burro nas couves!”
Dolores, já irritada, grita-lhe: “Porra homem! Rebentaram-me as águas.”
- “Mas não estás a brincar!?”
- “Não…”
Apercebendo-se, finalmente, que o nascimento do seu rebento estava iminente, Etílico salta da cama com tal velocidade que se espatifa, aparatosamente, contra o guarda-fatos. Os vizinhos que, hoje, frequentam a casa, afiançam que, desde desse dia, os Antunes são a única família do bairro a possuir um guarda-fatos com a “tromba do patrão” esculpida na porta.
Com a força do impacto, a mala, que se encontrava por cima do guarda-fatos, já preparada para este mesmo dia, cai-lhe em cima e deixa-o inconsciente por uns, bons, dez minutos.
Quando voltou a si, ainda estatelado entre a cama e guarda-fatos, como lhe doía-a, fortemente, a cabeça, pensou já ter amanhecido e que, mais uma vez, lhe tinha batido a ressaca. Dolores fitava-o fixamente e ele diz-lhe: “Olha: esta noite sonhei que te tinham rebentado as águas!”
- “Não foi um sonho!”
- “Quê!?”
- “Chiça homem! Não foi um sonho! Rebentaram-me mesmo as águas!”
De um pulo Etílico levanta-se atirando pelos ares a mala que ainda jazia sobre ele. Esta, durante o voo forçado, abre-se e um manto de Babygrows, fraldas e camisas de noite cobre todo o quarto.
Etílico, a velocidade supersónica, encarrega-se de atafulhar, novamente, toda a tralha dentro da mala.
Pega na mala e na mulher, coloca ambos no Fiat 127 e partem à, incrível, velocidade de, para aí, uns 80Km/H rumo à maternidade (naquele veículo, isto, redefinia “velocidade excessiva”) .
Chegados à mesma, Dolores deu entrada e Etílico queria por força ficar por lá, ao lado da esposa, pois não queria perder, por nada deste mundo, o nascimento do seu primogénito.
A enfermeira lá o informou de que, aquilo eram coisas que demoravam, e, portanto, podia ir, para casa, descansar.
Etílico voltou então para casa, deitou-se e só acordou por volta do meio-dia.
Uma vez que a enfermeira lhe dissera que “aquilo” ainda demoraria, foi, calmamente, comer uma sandes e, mais importante, beber umas imperiais à tasca da esquina pois, ainda tinha mais que tempo para ir à visita das duas.
À uma e meia da tarde, já era o primeiro na fila. Mal chegaram as duas, abriram-se as portas e lá se dirigiu, apressadamente, ao quarto da futura mamã.
Ao chegar, depara com ela, descontraidamente, deitada na cama. Pensou: “Bem... Estas coisas demoram mesmo! Ainda nem com contracções parece estar.”
Dirige-se então à esposa: “Então Dolores? Estás bem?”
Ela, sem dizer uma palavra mas com o rosto iluminado pela felicidade, puxa os lençóis revelando algo que se assemelhava, vagamente, a um, minúsculo, ser humano.
Etílico pega no miúdo por uma perna, observa-o mais de perto e pergunta: “Mas é uma rapariga!? O médico não tinha dito que era um rapaz!?”
- “Claro que é um rapaz.”
- “Porra!!! Então quem foi o paneleiro que já ofereceu uma boneca ao meu puto?”
Dolores tentou reagir mas já o marido atirara com a, suposta, boneca para bem longe dali. E ainda teve tempo para gritar: “Filho meu não vai brincar com bonecas!”
Constantino, após a queda, desata a chorar compulsivamente. Ao ver isto, Etílico, fica, um pouco, mais calmo e diz: “Pelo menos já vem com pilhas!”
A mãe da criança jura que o, aparente, atraso mental de Constantino se deveu a este “pequeno incidente” embora, o pai, diga que não tem nada a ver. Segundo ele: “Sai é à mãe”. Já os vizinhos dizem que, a sair a alguém, é ao pai.
Mas é, apenas, mais uma noite. Amanhã é outro dia e se pensam que o desperdiçarei:
Raio que vos parta porque estão muito enganados…
Photographic Images
your Faded Smile
the Air
what's To It?
i Try To Shake It Off All Evening
i Try To Pass Just Out Of Reach
to Reach Conclusions That Can't Be Concluded
a Hotline To The Past, That's All It Is
i Was Anxious
i Was Sure You'd Come To See The Show
and What's More
i Was Hoping You Would Appreciate It
it's Electrified At First, Yes
but Then It Drops
it's A Box Of Many Flavours
but We Are Not Enough, Is That Not So?
not Sure, Just Wont Have It
get Your Mind Off What You Leave Behind
you Know You May As Well Be Going Blind Lately
it's Hard To Say, You Know
well, You've Been Led Astray
this Simply Will Not Do
and It's True It Hurts Me Too
well I Guess It's Not So Long Ago
i Turned To Speak And There Was No-One
nothing, Just A Street Car Rolling By
now, Nothing In Here Really Moves
i Just Produce A Bunch Of Silly Lies
and All Those Brightly Colored Lights
ah But I Have Loved You In My Way
i Have Loved You
too Much Too Fast
and Then A Little
a Little Too Late
you've Been Led Astray
for What Reason I Can't Say
i Won't Stand In Your Way Again
it's Been Another ...
as Such Is That ... And I Reach Through Your Window
wake You In The Morning
i Was Waiting
i Was Sure You'd Get Whatever You Were Waiting For
but I Can't Stand It Anymore
Norwegian Hammerworks Corp. - Madrugada
Let me tell you about the way the hammer moves
The hammer goes up and down
And hits the nail, on the head each time
That's the point
All right in 1998
It's getting hard to go to sleep at night
And hard to get up in the morning
I tell myself, I'm going too hard, too rash, too long, too long
But this is not the truth
There's no sign of no big break down
It's just these little things that keep putting me of the track
Yeah, I have a notion of moving around in circles
Things just keep getting worse and worse
'Til they get all the way around
And then eveything turns out alright
In one single flash I see both shows
Computer, cigarettes, photograph, pens and pencils
Pop-craving critics curving
A doctor tried to cure me of these shells
I stopped seeing him
I heard nothing more about being mentally ill
In one single flash comes words, no poetry
Did you put on weight
I take two, not one
A man with one arm
Best beer ever to come out of Belgium
If you kept drinking like this it wouldn't have to be
It's not like I'm real hateful with our friends, our beloved friends
VCR, last goodbyes, this is not the time for all I love you's
This nail is bent and broken, straighten it out with the hands of love
This is where the hammer hits, this is its golden tongue
There speaks no more, this is the same that were never moved
This is the tsar at will, this is where the hammer hit, this is when the turnpike
This nail is bent and broken, straighten it out with the hands of love
With the hands of love, with the hands of love
With the hands of love yeah, with the hands of love yeah
With the hands of love yeah, with the hands of love
With the hands of love, with the hands of love yeah-ac
Já agora é melhor acabar a estória...
Do you remember a guy thats been
In such an early song
Ive heard a rumour from ground control
Oh no, dont say its true
They got a message from the action man
Im happy, hope youre happy too
Ive loved all Ive needed love
Sordid details following
The shrieking of nothing is killing
Just pictures of jap girls in synthesis and i
Aint got no money and I aint got no hair
But Im hoping to kick but the planet its glowing
Ashes to ashes, funk to funky
We know major toms a junkie
Strung out in heavens high
Hitting an all-time low
Time and again I tell myself
Ill stay clean tonight
But the little green wheels are following me
Oh no, not again
Im stuck with a valuable friend
Im happy, hope youre happy too
One flash of light but no smoking pistol
I never done good things
I never done bad things
I never did anything out of the blue, woh-o-oh
Want an axe to break the ice
Wanna come down right now
Ashes to ashes, funk to funky
We know major toms a junkie
Strung out in heavens high
Hitting an all-time low
My mother said to get things done
Youd better not mess with major tom
My mother said to get things done
Youd better not mess with major tom
My mother said to get things done
Youd better not mess with major tom
My mother said to get things done
Youd better not mess with major tom
Ground control to major tom
Ground control to major tom
Take your protein pills and put your helmet on
Ground control to major tom
Commencing countdown, engines on
Check ignition and may gods love be with you
Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five,
Four, three, two, one, liftoff
This is ground control to major tom
Youve really made the grade
And the papers want to know whose shirts you wear
Now its time to leave the capsule if you dare
This is major tom to ground control
Im stepping through the door
And Im floating in a most peculiar way
And the stars look very different today
For here
Am I sitting in a tin can
Far above the world
Planet earth is blue
And theres nothing I can do
Though Im past one hundred thousand miles
Im feeling very still
And I think my spaceship knows which way to go
Tell me wife I love her very much she knows
Ground control to major tom
Your circuits dead, theres something wrong
Can you hear me, major tom?
Can you hear me, major tom?
Can you hear me, major tom?
Can you....
Here am I floating round my tin can
Far above the moon
Planet earth is blue
And theres nothing I can do.
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